What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Anxiety?

Anxiety affects different people in different ways, but there are generally some common threads. Maybe you’re feeling stressed and nervous all the time. You could be restless, tense, and unable to sit still. It could come with a sense of panic. Perhaps you’re struggling to concentrate. Or maybe you feel like you have an elephant sitting on your chest because you can’t seem to breathe. 

Anxiety is natural response that happens when we’re feeling stressed, putting our bodies in a state of “fight or flight.” Each response to anxiety is natural and dependent on how each person copes with anxiety. 

Anxiety has the ability to spiral out of control and become totally overwhelming. If you find that you’re struggling with anxiety in everyday settings, such as working at your office, walking to the subway, or going to a bar with your friends, that could indicate it’s time to see a counselor.

Ready to take the first step? Request an appointment now.

Mental Symptoms of Anxiety

Symptoms of anxiety can vary among individuals. The way you experience it depends on your personality, your circumstances, and your triggers. The Mayo Clinic defines it as, “People with anxiety disorders frequently have intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations.” 

Anxiety can happen to any person at any time. Maybe you get an email with some negative feedback from your boss. Maybe you look in the mirror and notice a stain on your shirt. Maybe you’re going on a date with someone new. Maybe you’ve got a huge presentation due and you’re not sure if all the pieces are going to fall into place before your deadline. Maybe something happened that’s left you a little shaky.

Anxiety can occur in lots of ways – it could be generalized anxiety, social anxiety, separation anxiety, specific phobias, or just a response to a short-term stressor in your life. Maybe it’s the culmination of lots of different things, or maybe it can be traced to a single specific trigger. 

Here are some common mental symptoms (not an exhaustive list):

  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Tension
  • Panic
  • Irritability
  • Sense of impending doom
  • Feeling weak
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Spirals of negative thoughts
  • Withdrawal
  • Worry

You might find that you’re feeling anxious all the time, or that it comes and goes for no apparent reason. The most important thing to know is that whatever you’re feeling is normal. You’re not crazy and you’re not being a drama queen. Mental health and learning to identify and manage your anxiety is essential to living your best life. 

If any of the symptoms we’ve discussed so far are resonating with you, it’s likely that you could benefit from seeing one of our experienced counselors. We take a different approach to most mental health care providers, because we see ourselves as partners. We’ll walk with you on your journey for as long as you need us, helping you identify and remove the barriers stopping you from feeling fulfilled. 

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Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety isn’t just about mental health, however. It can also have a huge impact on your physical well-being. Some of the most common symptoms clients talk to us about are restlessness, feeling an increased heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, difficulty sleeping, stomach and digestive issues, trembling. It can really mess with you and interfere with every aspect of your life, including performance at work, interactions with friends, participation in social activities, and more.

These feelings can strike at any time. For example, that feedback from your boss could feel like a sucker punch to the gut. The stain on your shirt could cause trembling and make real tears roll down your face. The idea of dating someone new could make your heart pound and your stomach churn. That huge presentation could make it feel like your head is in an ever-tightening vice grip.

The good news is that anxiety is a highly treatable condition. Physical health is really important in managing these symptoms. Exercise can alleviate things such as restlessness while evening out your heart rate and breathing and increasing your chances of getting a good night’s sleep. Diet is also a really important component, especially if your anxiety is causing you to have an upset stomach. Good nutrition, which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as lots of hydration will help your body function at its best and rule out artificial highs and lows caused by excess sugar.

It’s very likely that once these measures are in place and we help you identify and manage the causes, you’ll start feeling better quite quickly.

Want to take back control? Talk to us.

The Many Causes of Anxiety

Sometimes you might know exactly what’s causing your anxiety. If that’s the case, then great. Our professional counselors can help you process the emotions around that cause, learn new coping strategies, and make healthy decisions designed to manage the triggers and remove the stucks.

Most people, however, come to see us without knowing what’s going on. They might feel like they’re going to explode, or like they’ll scream if they have to sit at their desks, or that they can’t sit still and concentrate, or that they’re the biggest imposter in NYC and they’re going to be found out, or like they’re going to die. Do any of these sounds familiar? Rest assured, you’re not alone. 

That’s a big part of the reason we’re here. As our professional counselors get to know you, they’ll ask a series of targeted questions designed to figure out what’s going on and why. They bring a fresh perspective that can help you gain incredibly valuable insights into your own mind. We’re in the business of increasing self-awareness and helping people have light-bulb moments.

We’ll also help you regain control of your thoughts, make positive changes, and set healthy boundaries that will ensure you can function at your best, achieve your goals, and generally get everything you want out of life. We’ll take it one step at a time until you’re running at full speed.

Ready to make a change? We’re waiting for your email.

How to Cure Anxiety

Stress can build up in a million different ways. It would be great if we could snap our fingers and bring order and balance to your life. 

One of the most effective thing you can do is talk therapy with a professional. There are lots of treatment options available and a professional counselor will develop a customized treatment plan designed to suit your individual circumstances and achieve your goals.

Remember, we’re here to partner with you in this journey. We’re located in Midtown Manhattan and we’re here to help you identify and manage the barriers that are holding you back.

Sound good? Let’s get started.